Panda Bear

Friday, March 23, 2012

Panda Bear

We all saw what a large mammal panda. We've all seen in television shows, Discovery Channel and cartoons.

Panda bear

are among the bears who are loved by many children and toy manufacturers worldwide. It is one of the most popular photographers, hunters and even zoologists around the world. This bear was discovered in western China a century ago and with it, many experts have been fascinated by its color and uniqueness.

Panda large mammals live only in restricted areas in some parts of China, is one of the signs of the World Wildlife Fund and is a protected species in the world. As with all types of bears,

panda bear

are hard to reach and usually 120 to 190 cm long and 75 to 130 kg in weight. They are excellent climbers in the trees and rocky hills. Although it is often assumed that bamboo is the only food source of the panda, it is often not true, where zoologists found in the bones of animals, which can be found in the digestive tract of large mammals panda death .

Panda large mammals generally consume small birds and animals. Although they hug and cute to look at, they can be a dangerous creature, if provoked. Panda large mammals such as bears love all his solitary existence, except in the breeding and care of mothers. Odd function of

panda bear

is still a mystery to some and for this reason, the theory of the development of many around him. One theory is that it conditions on the snow in winter, resulting in camouflage and dark marks on their enemies.

The figure below is an example of Panda Bear

Panda Bear panda bear wallpaper Panda Bear Panda Bear Panda Bear bear Gaint Panda GUND Chopsticks the Panda Bear Soft Toy snack time panda bear pictures Panda Bear




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